There are seen good for three new ports in the country
La infraestructura portuaria marítima del país se ampliará con tres nuevos terminales que la Agencia nacional de Infraestructura (ANI) espera concesionar este año.
En los trámites finales para las contrataciones se hallan los futuros puertos Graneles del Golfo, que se construirá en el golfo de Morrosquillo, frente a San Antero (Córdoba); Puerto Bahía, más conocido como Puerto Antioquia, que se levantará en el golfo de Urabá, en Turbo; y Puerto Solo, en la bahía de Buenaventura, anunció el presidente de la ANI, Luis Fernando Andrade.
The new projects
The port that will start first to do the works will be Graneles del Golfo, belonging to the Port Society Graneles del Golfo S.A., which will be notified this week of the concession granted to 20 years by the ANI.
The planned investments in the construction and endowment of this terminal amount to 22.6 million dollars (about 72,000 million pesos), only in the areas of public service. The works will last two years.
It will occupy an area of ??6,050 square meters in the sea (infrastructure on the mirror of water) and 1,342 square meters on land.
It will be a multipurpose port, which will initially mobilize 960,000 tonnes of cargo and progressively increase to reach 1’480,000 tonnes per year of solid bulk such as grains, cereals, concentrated copper, non-coal minerals, steel and clinker, an input to make cement) .
This terminal enters to diversify the maritime operation in the Gulf of Morrosquillo, where four ports operate that concentrate their operations with the movement of hydrocarbons like oil.
This port company as consideration for the concession will turn to the Nation 10.5 billion pesos.
The terminal in Urabá
The Pios business group proposed to the ANI to move through Antioquia port 4.9 million tons of annual cargo. It now indicates that it would be 7.5 million tonnes per year.
This will be a single-purpose terminal that seeks to mobilize containers, bulk, general cargo and vehicles. But there is also interest in moving through this banana terminal, which is what produces the most (90 percent) and exports this region.
The infrastructure is planned to be built in three years, in two phases, with investments (for the first stage) amounting to 400 million dollars (about 1.2 trillion pesos) in public and private land.
This new port will be of great dimensions, as it is projected works such as the construction of a viaduct of 4.2 kilometers that will connect the pier in the sea with the port on land.
The double-track viaduct for trucks to carry the containers to the dock at sea will have depths of 14 meters, so that they can dock large ships that transit through the Panama Canal. It is even foreseen that through this port will be able to pass the mega-boats that will arrive to the new locks of the Panamanian channel.
For the construction of this port, five consortiums have already submitted offers.
Puerto Antioquia has the importance that will give to this region greater mobility to the port charge and will be a new alternative to give way to the transport of products that come from the south and the center of the country, according to promoters of this project.
The Southern Complex
The proposed terminal in Buenaventura Bay (Puerto Solo) will also be managed by the Pio business group and will be built on land adjacent to the Container Terminal Port of Buenaventura Tcbuen S.A. (TCbuen).
Puerto Solo is considered as a port complex.
On the one hand, it will be a multipurpose terminal, which will move containers and general cargo (1’600,000 tons of cargo).
On the other hand, on the land will construct four other terminals, as well: one for liquid hydrocarbons, such as oil, gasoline, ethanol and bunker, the latter to supply the 1,600 ships that arrive a year to Buenaventura; Another, for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), used to export surplus; A third terminal will be for liquefied natural gas (LNG), which will then be used in a thermal plant to generate energy, given the shortages of this service in the south of the country. And there will be a fourth terminal for power generation (with the gas-fired power plant), according to the company on its website.
The structure was designed to occupy 150 hectares. However, due to the modifications made to the design of the project, the final extension will be known according to what is authorized by the new environmental license that is being processed.
Investments in this port amount to 83 million dollars (about 250,000 million pesos), only in public areas, not counting costs such as the new gas thermal.
The development of the port infrastructure is not here, with the three terminals that would start work this year. In the ANI are in line another 15 applications of concession – that would not leave this year – to make terminals in different parts of the country and whose investments surpass 3 trillion pesos.
Source: Newspaper Weather p>