Dirección General Marítima – Dimar (Autoridad Marítima de Colombia) |
It is the Colombian Maritime Authority responsible for implementing the government’s policy in this area, with a structure that contributes to the strengthening of national maritime power, ensuring integral maritime security, protecting human life at sea, promoting Maritime activities and the scientific and technological development of the nation. |
www.dimar.mil.co |
Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas |
It is the entity in charge of generating knowledge about the behavior of the oceanographic and meteorological conditions of the jurisdictional areas of DIMAR, in order to establish its dynamics and thus contribute to the maritime development of the nation. |
www.cioh.org.co |
Guardacostas de colombia |
The Coast Guard Corps, equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance and location systems at land stations, covers the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, complemented by highly flexible units, suitable for operation in inland waters and in the jurisdictional sea, plays an important safety role Control of the marine environment, and search and rescue operations. |
www.armada.mil.co |